Sonali Sharma, Neetesh Gupta, G G Kaushik, Ajay Jain ,"Alteration in serum mineral status in subclinical hypothyroidism" , Indian Medical Gazette Volume : / / 2017 |
Dr. Priyanka Jain , Dr. Sonali Sharma , Dr. Manju Jha , Dr. Ajay Bapna ,"Long term effect of various therapies on the metabolic risk factors in prostate carcinoma patients" , Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Volume :5(3B) / 787-795 / 2017 |
Dr. Priyanka Jain , Dr. Sonali Sharma , Dr. Manju Jha , Dr. Ajay Bapna ,"Long term effect of various therapies on the metabolic risk factors in prostate carcinoma patients" , Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Volume :5(3B) / 787-795 / 2017 |
Dr. Priyanka Jain , Dr. Sonali Sharma , Dr. Manju Jha , Dr. Ajay Bapna ,"Long term effect of various therapies on the metabolic risk factors in prostate carcinoma patients" , Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Volume :5(3B) / 787-795 / 2017 |
Manju Jha, Sonali Sharma,G G Kaushik, Priyanka Jain ,"Cystatin C: A Novel Marker for Early Renal Impairment in Diabetic Patients" , Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Volume : / / 2017 |
Sonali Sharma , Sudhnashu Kacker ,"Mentoring: An Essential Catalyst in Professional Development of Teaching Faculty and Medical Students" , RUHS Journal of Health Sciences Volume :1 / 29-35 / 2016 |
Dr. Y. Ramananda Singh, Nagraj Soni, Dr. G.G. Kaushik, Dr. Sonali Sharma, Dr. J S Broca ,"Study of serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folic acid in women with a previous history of gestational diabetes mellitus" , SSRG International Journal of Medical Sciences Volume :3 / 1-4 / 2016 |
Dr.Sudhanshu Kacker , Dr.Neha Saboo , Dr.Mahima Sharma , Dr.Mohit Sharma , Dr.Sonali Sharma , Jitendra ,"Effect of Advance Meditation Program on Poincare plot of Heart Rate Variability in young population" , Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research Volume :5 / 868-889 / 2016 |
Dr SONALI SHARMA, Dr SUDHANSHU KACKER, Dr MANJU JHA ,"" , Int. Jr. of Pharma Sciences and Research Volume :6(6) / 976-980 / 2015 |
Manju Jha , G.G. Kaushik , Sonali Sharma ,"Usefulness of Cystatin-C as an index of renal function in diabetic nephropathy" , International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Volume :5 / 124-128 / 2015 |
Ankita Sharma , Dr. Sangeeta Meena , Dr. Ajay Jain ,Dr. G.G. Kaushik , Dr. Sonali Sharma , Dr. C.K. Meena , Dr. J.s Broca ,"Serum leptin and adiponectin in Indian female population with thyroid dysfunction" , International Journal of Advanced Research Volume :5 / 1520-1524 / 2015 |
Dr MANJU JHA, Dr G.G.KAUSHIK, Dr SONALI SHARMA ,"Usefulness of Serum Cystatin C as an Index of Renal Function in Diabetic Nephropathy" , International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Volume :5(10) / 124-128 / 2015 |
Ankita Sharma , GG Kaushik , Sonali Sharma , JS Broca ,"Relationship between acylated ghrelin and uric acid in prediabetic obese individuals" , International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology Volume :3 / 531-535 / 2015 |
Asha Makwana , Nagraj Soni , GG Kaushik , Sonali Sharma , Dheeraj Makwana ,"Serum levels of pregnancy associated plasma protein-A, Activin-A and Inhibin-A in patients with ectopic pregnancy" , International journal of Advanced Research Volume :3 / 188-191 / 2015 |
Tripti Verma , Nagraj Soni, G.G. Kaushik, Sonali sharma, Ajay Jain, J S Broca ,"Study of glycemic biomarkers in diabetic patients with chronic kidney diseases" , International Journal of Advanced Research Volume :3 / 1602-1605 / 2015 |
Dr. Sonali Sharma , Dr. Sudhanshu Kacker , Dr. Manju Jha ,"Effectiveness of horizontal integrated teaching programme in medical curriculum" , International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research Volume :6 / 976-980 / 2015 |
Neetesh kumar gupta,Sonali sharma,GG kaushik,Bhavana gupta ,"Association between indexes of insulin sensitivity & resistance and serum magnesium level in over weight diabetic subject" , Indian Joural of Clinical Practice Volume :24 / 932-937 / 2014 |
Thakur Gajwani,Jitendra Ahuja ,"A comparative study of serum adenosine deaminase enzyme and serum ferroxidase albumin ratio in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis " , International Journal of Current Research and Review Volume :4 / (4):53-58 / 2012 |
Sunil Gupta, Shravan Kumar Meena,Jitendra Ahuja,Vishnu dutt Bohra ,"A study of trace elements (Iron, Zink, Copper, Selenium) in liver cirrhosis patients" , International Journal of Current Research and Review Volume :4 / (11):69-75 / 2012 |
Abhijit Basu,Jitendra Ahuja ,"A study of association between c-reactive protein and features of metabolic syndrome" , International Journal of Current Research and Review Volume :4 / (2):83-87 / 2012 |
Jitendra Ahuja, Abhijit Basu ,"Study of C - reactive protein level in patients of acute ischemic stroke and its correlation with serum lipid profile" , International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Volume :2 / (3):40-4 / 2012 |
Shravan Kumar Meena, Alka Meena. Jitendra Ahuja, Vishnu Dutt Bohra ,"A study of gamma-glutamyltransferase (ggt) in type 2 diabetes mellitus its risk factors" , International Journal of Current Research and Review Volume :4 / (11):89-95 / 2012 |
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Thakur Gajwani, Jitendra Ahuja ,"An Evaluation of Diagnostic Importance of Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy and Induced Sputum in the Diagnosis of Sputum Smear-Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis " , International Journal of Current Research and Review Volume :4 / (6):49-55 / 2012 |
Sangeeta Nagpal, Kalpana Gupta, Jitendra Ahuja ,"Rate pressure product–A diagnostic tool in determining the cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women. Sangeeta Nagpal, Kalpana Gupta, Jitendra Ahuja. " , International Journal of Current Research and Review Volume :4 / 20:134-138 / 2012 |
Reenu sharma,Tarun kumar sharma,G.G.kaushik,Sonali sharma,S.K. vardey,Maheep sinha ," Subclinical hypothyroidism and its association with cardiovascular risk factors" , Clin.Lab. Volume : / 719-724 / 2011 |
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Sonali sharma , GG kaushik , S kacker ,"Biomarkers of alcohol consumption; an insight" , Indian Journal of Clinical Practice Volume :19 / 34-38 / 2009 |
Girdhar gopal kaushik, Sonali sharma , Reenu sharma , Prerna mittal ,"Association between Gamma Glutamyl transferase and insulin resistance markers in healthy obese children. " , JAPI Volume :57 / 695-698 / 2009 |
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Dr.G.G.kaushik , Dr.Sonali sharma , Dr.(Mrs.)R sharma , Dr. S.kacker ,Dr.A.Jindel , Dr.S. chatterjee ," Role of adenosine deaminase in oxidative stress and diabetes mellitus" , Indian Medical Journal Volume :100 / 341-344 / 2006 |
Reenu sharma , G.G. kaushik , Sonali sharma ,"Obesity and type 2 diabetes, its association with lipids, glucose levels and glycosylated haemoglobin" , Indian Medical Gazette Volume : / 514-520 / 2006 |
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Dr. Sudhanshu kacker , Dr. R.D.sharma , Dr. Sonali sharma ,"Lipid profile levels in various exercise regimes" , Indian Medical Journal Volume :100 / 373-376 / 2006 |
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