Research Methodology- Basics of Biostatistics held from 9 to 11 Feb 2018
09/02/2018 To 11/02/2018

Report on Research MethodologyBiostatistics Workshop scheduled from 9th to 11 February 2018


Rajasthan university of Health Sciences, Jaipur organizedthree days workshop on Basics of Biostatistics from 9 to 11 February 2018. Thiswas the fourth workshop on Research Methodology  conducted by Rajasthan University of HealthSciences, Jaipur with grant from ICMR. The workshop aimed at enhancing theknowledge and skill sets of researchers, teaching faculty and other members ofresearch community.

On the first day of workshop, Dr Sudhanshu Kacker, ViceDean, Research, RUHS, welcomed the dignitaries, eminent resource faculties andparticipants and briefed about the objectives and expected outcomes ofworkshop.

The workshop was moderated by Dr Reshu Gupta, Assistantprofessor of Physiology, RUHS CMS.

Dr VM Katoch threw light on the expectations from the threeday workshop

In the inaugural session, talk wasdelivered by Dr V Sreeniwas, Professor of Biostatistics, AIIMS, Delhi, on thetopic “Introduction to Biostatistics and its application in research”. Heexplained the basic definition and concepts related to biostatistics andvarious areas where biostatistics has application. He said that practicallythere is no area where statistical thinking and application are not required.He explained when and where to use different statistical methods such assurvival analysis, health economics and operational research, vital statistics,demography, epidemiological methods and many more. He concluded his talk bysaying that there is no clinical evidence without statistical evidence. Thesession was made thought provoking by questions posed by the participants. Thiswas followed by narration of answers by the speakers.

Second talk session was delivered byDr Mario Vaz, Professor Physiology, St. Johns’s Medical College, Bangalore, ontopic “Problem Identification And Formulation of Researchquestion/hypothesis/study design”. He began his talk by explaining the studydesign,  the characteristics of externaland internal validity. Dr Mario emphasized on two important words “Association”and “Causation”. Dr Mario talked about the cross sectional studies and itslimitations, case control studies with its advantages and disadvantages bygiving examples. He emphasized on the topics like criteria for choosing thecontrol, cohort design, its advantages and disadvantages, criteria to selectcohort, baseline assessment, experimental or interventional study. He concludedthe talk by giving the importance of qualitative research.

Next captivating session wasdelivered by Dr NC Jain, Director, Scientist G and Head ICMR, New Delhi, ontopic “ Importance of  Introduction andReview of Literature in Developing Research/Thesis Proposal. He began his talkby focusing on research output of scientist. He gave an incredible insight ofvarious resources related to research. Dr Jain explained the format of researchproposal in a very simplified and easy way. He concluded  by giving guidelines and keys for literaturereview.

Post lunch, session was addressed byDr V Sreenivas, Professor Biostatistics, AIIMS Delhi, on topic “Concept ofSampling”. He initiated his talk by giving introduction on concepts ofsampling, that includes aims, objectives, population, sampling design, samplingframe, methods of sampling, stratified sampling. Dr Sreenivas also discussedadvantages and disadvantages of sampling.

The last session of first day waspresented by Dr Mario Vaz on “Introduction to Data Management”. He initiatedhis talk by putting some light on topics like benefits of planned datamanagement, life cycle of data, ground rules for data collection and datamanagement. He talked about the nature, type, objective of measurement,measurement errors, reliability and validity, biochemical assay. Dr Marioemphasized on ensuring the valid data collection, ICMR guidelines regardingrecord keeping and archiving and data reviewing prior to analysis. The lectureproved to be very informative for the participants.

DAY 2    10.02.2018

On the second day of workshop, thefirst session was addressed by Dr Atul Juneja, Scientist E ICMR, NationalInstitute of Medical Statistics, on the topic “Testing of Hypothesis -Statistical Issues”. Dr Atul explained statistical hypothesis, descriptive andinferential statistics and analysis approaches towards testing of hypothesis.He gave the concept of testing a hypothesis that includes two hypothesis i.e.Null and Alternative hypothesis, alternative hypothesis test statistics andrejection region. At the end of his presentation, Dr Atul explained statisticalerrors, p-value power and level of significance.

The second session went on by DrTulsi Adhikari, Scientist E, National Institute of Medical Statistics, ICMR,New Delhi, on the topic “Introduction of Descriptive Statistics”. Dr Tulsitalked about descriptive statistics measures, measures of central tendency,measures of dispersion and variability which include range and standarddeviation.

In addition to the above, Dr Tulsicontinued by explaining the statistical terms like coefficient of variation,skewness, kurtosis, their types, normal distribution (symmetrical orasymmetrical) and explained the summarization of data by using descriptivestatistics and graphs like bar charts, histograms, pie charts, line diagramsand seatter diagrams.

Post lunch session was addressed byDr Atul Juneja on the topic “ Sample Size Calculation”. Dr Atul talked aboutcausation, clinical and biological importance of sample size, components ofsample size calculation that includes power and level of significance. Heexplained standard normal distribution curve in a simplified way.

The session was an interactivesession between resource person and participants.

The post coffee session included thehands on training of descriptive statistics in SPSS software. This was apractical training session. Dr Tulsi Adhikari demonstrated the basic proceduralsteps to use the SPSS for calculating the components of descriptive statistics.This was an interactive session.

DAY 3 11.02.2018

The last day was dedicated to apractical training session.

Dr Tulsi Adhikari gave introductionto correlation and regression analysis and its application in health research.

Then there was hands on training ofregression analysis using EPI info software.

 Dr Tulsi demonstrated the steps to use EPIinfo software for regression analysis.

The last session was an interactivesession between resource faculty and participants.

Felicitation ceremony was carries outwith certificate distribution to the participants.

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