Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy Lab
Drugs are prepared, compounded, and dispensed in this lab. Students are taught about the dosage form of drugs, drug preparations, and prescription writing. Instruments in the lab include tablet disintegration machine, weighing machines (digital and apothecary), distillation apparatus, deionizer, ultracentrifuge, etc.
Experimental Lab
Laboratory animals; study of effect of various drugs on animal models like rabbit's eye, guinea pig ileum, frog's heart, dog's BP and respiration, etc.; and screening of drugs like analgesics, anticonvulsants, local anaesthetics are taught in this lab.
Instruments include kymograph with drum, different types of lever, student's organ bath, convulsiometer, analgesiometer, four channel physiograph, Langendorff apparatus, distillation apparatus, flame photometer, rotarod, etc.