‘Researchmethodology- Fundamentals of Developing Research proposals’ on 10thAug 2017 at RUHS
RajasthanUniversity of Health Sciences conducted one day workshop on ‘Researchmethodology- fundamentals of developing Research proposals’ on 10thAug 2017 for which grant in aid wasgiven by ICMR, New Delhi. Eminent speakers like Dr Dennis Xavier, Professor ofClinical Pharmacology and Head of Clinical Research, St John’s Medical College,Bangalore delivered his talk on Challengesfor conducting clinical research and setting up a sustainable program . Dr Rajeev Gupta Chairman, ARDU, RUHS, Jaipur delivered his talk on ResearchQuestion and Dr Atul JunejaScientist at NIMS (ICMR) delivered his talk on Data Analysis
The first session of workshop wasdelivered by Dr Dennis Xavier on Challenges for conducting clinicaltrials, setting up a sustainable program . In his talk Dr Xavier emphasisedthat Medical training whether UGtraining or PG thesis has no focus on research. As faculty, research is notfirst choice as well as there is funding problem. Loss of interest is justbecause there is no mentorship, no protected time and no atmosphere. Presentresearches face problems like animal regulations, drug trials, and academicinternational collaboration .Opportunities for researches are on the topic likeCD, NCD and epidemiological health system. The mandatory thing should betraining in clinical researches and MCI should mandate academics.
For sustainability, weshould create research culture and start the program at UG level by making it apart of curriculum. At PG level quality should be improved and student topicshould be promoted. For faculty, protected time, infrastructure, promotions andincentives for research should be given.
Research should be done forimprovement of human kind and it should be collaborated with industries.Funding and academic collaboration should be must for quality research,Institution / University should support for infrastructure, finance andlaboratories.
Second talk on Formulation of aresearch question was delivered by Dr Rajeev Gupta.He emphasised Research question should start with goodscience including communalism, universalism, disinterestedness and originalskepticism. Original research question should be clear, have right studydesign, act ethically, minimize bias and agree to publish with negativeresults.
Research question should have fourfactors- purpose, theory, method and sampling strategy. Good research questionis only when it is feasible, interesting, novel, ethical and relevant.
Steps for good research question are-state the problem, literature survey, formulate hypothesis and identifyobjectives. Do the research if you are genuinely interested. Research isrelevant if nothing is known about the topic, knowledge is scattered andprevious results are contradictory. A good review describes source ofinformation, clarify type and strength of evidence and declaredprovenance. Research question should bea scientific answer to a relevant question.
Third talk wason Issues in Data analysis by Dr Atul Juneja and spoke about Component of researches are protocoldevelopment, data management, study implementation, study monitoring, dataanalysis and report writing. Study design should be such that it give mostdefinitive answers about the research topics.
Involvement of statistician isimportant to decide sample size, sampling methodology, randomization handlingselection bias. Data management includes data capture, data transcription, datatransfer, data entry , data cleaning , storage of hard copies, storage ofelectronic data , data coding and data backup and recovery.
Data freezing involves errorsemerging through programmed approach, raising queries and data freezing throughDSMB.
There are three types of studies–experimental, case and observational studies. There are two types ofvariables- qualitative and quantitative. Statistical methods includedescriptive and inferential statistics. For considering sample size, we shoulddetermine power of test, level of significance, underlying event rate.
There are two hypotheses- null andalternative hypotheses. The procedure begins with the assumption that nullhypotheses is true. If evidence are in support of alternative hypotheses thenwe will reject null hypotheses.
There are two type of test-parametric and nonparametric tests. Parametric statistics is used in a normallydistributed population, equal variance and observation is independent.Nonparametric test are used when parametric tests are violated and data is onan ordinal scale.
In nutshell statistics help inquantification of scientific facts , substantiating the finding in clinicalresearch , comparability and standardization of results .
In post Lunch session participants developedresearch proposals with inputs from Dr Vishwa Mohan Katoch , Former DirectorGeneral, ICMR, New Delhi, Dr Dennis Xavier (St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore), Dr Ashok Bhardwaj, Dean Facultyof Medicine- RUHS, Jaipur , Dr Bharti Malhotra, Dean Faculty of ParamedicalSciences, Jaipur and Dr Rajeev Gupta, Resource faculty.45 participants attendedthe workshop.
RMC accredited the CME andaccorded 2 credit hours for the participants.